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Μεταμόρφωση / MetamorphoSEA
25 September
26 September
26, 27, 29 & 30 September, 2023
English & Greek
Location & Time
Show: 19:00 – 21:30
Meeting location: Eleftherias (Freedom) Square, 192 00, Eleusis
Vlycha Public Space
Free admission with advanced reservations via this link.
This cultural project - Μεταμόρφωση / MetamorphoSEA - was part of 2023 Eleusis European Cultural Capital and focused on environmental issues. The project was led by a Dutch director, Sjoerd Wagenaar, founder of Peer Group and now an independent theatre director and creative thinker.
We laid a beach on the pier and coast of Eleusis around the so-called graveyard of dumped ships. Sadly it was temporary. But we took this small step, together with the local community, and reclaimed a strip of coastline. We showed a better future. Maybe even inspired the authorities to finally clear the graveyard...
The 'graveyard' is located between the refinery and the city's cement factory. Together they stole this stretch of the city's coastline. Two of the basic ingredients of cement are sand and seashells. Just what it takes to make a beach.
Very often the activist voice is one of clamour and complaint. Of fury and frustration. And too often it leads to nothing more than demonstrations which do nothing to further the cause. Indeed often activist demonstrations isolate communities, alienate local government, and move little or nothing forward.

Our inspiration
Imagine a positive vote. A fresh and creative voice. A voice that works on solutions, a new vision. A voice that inspires?
Imagine all these people coming together on an appointed day in 2021, and dropping their sand, their sea shells on the pier and on the polluted beach by the graveyard.
Imagine planting trees in the pier. Trees along the stretch of ‘beach’ by the dumped ships.
Imagine a wood growing next to the polluted seas.
Imagine a beach, created from all the beautiful beaches of Greece. In Eleusis.
Imagine the hope this positive action could offer the citizens of Eleusis.
Trees are a sign of hope, of rejuvenation. Look around the world. People use trees and greenery to reinvigorate, re-oxygenate polluted or desolate environments.
Imagine a wood and a beach by the graveyard of dumped ships in Eleusis.
Imagine the celebration that would ensue!
It may be short-lived but it would offer a symbol of hope in a desperate landscape.
The project has been conceived by Chorus (GR) and Brave New World Producties following the selection of both organisations for the Tandem European Cultural Programme. The project involves a Dutch and a Greek creative team, with bilateral professional capacity building built into the project. The project is also part of a pan-European project: ULYSSES European Odyssey (UEO), which involves 18 cities around Europe. Using James Joyce’s masterpiece, Ulysses, as an inspiration and springboard, UEO is an exploration of contemporary issues in European cities today – a cultural Olympic torch lasting from June 2022 to June 2024. Eleusis is linked to episode 14 in Ulysses, using environmental arts to explore the ecological challenges facing our sacred seas and shores.
The project was part of the program of Eleusis European Capital of Culture 2023.
Director: Sjoerd Wagenaar (NL)
Assistant Dirtector: Seta Astreou Karides (GR)
Writer / Dramaturg: Manolis Tsipos (GR)
Lighting Designer: Valentina Tamiolaki (GR)
Sound Designer: Dennis van Tilburg (NL)
Set & Costume Designer: Dido Gkogkou (GR)
Video Projection Designer: Jurjen Jellema (NL)
Performers (GR): Spyros Detsikas, Ioanna Karategou, Iro Karra,
Isabella Kassimati & Theodore Vrachas
Performers (NL): Jolanda Bazzi & Laila el Bazi

Foto's: Repetities & Opening: John Kouskoutis

With financial support from

Local partner

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