CARGO Shanghai - Friesland
A documentary truck ride
By Rimini Protokoll (Karrenbauer/Keagi)
The Netherlands are one of the largest exporters of milk and dairy products in the world. China is one of the biggest markets. The Holstein-Friesian cow is one of the most productive milk cows in the world and with its black and white colouring is synonymous, par excellence, with the dairy cow.
This special event offers a unique experience to the public.
CARGO will play from 14th May to 23rd June, 2022.

In the agriculturally industrialised plain of Friesland, it is often the only thing that stands out against the endless green of the pastures. And nestled in between, a few dairy farms.
In CARGO Shanghai - Friesland, 46 spectators embark on a fictional journey backwards, from the milk powder on the shelves of Chinese supermarkets, via the container port in Istanbul, onto the motorways of Europe, and so into the barns of Friesian dairy farmers. These farmers pursue farming strategies which are often quite as different from their neighbours, just as their children have different lifestyles from their parents.
The audience is seated on the loading platform of a former refrigerated truck that has been converted into a mobile auditorium with a large window pane and which is driven by Frisian trucker veterans Willem (66) and Louw (75). Behind the wheel of countless trucks, they have experienced the effects and changes of an increasingly intensive globalised exchange of goods first-hand.
CARGO Shanghai - Friesland is a site-specific performance that feels like a road movie. A Frisian Route 66. It is accompanied by a soundtrack which synchronises live with the world on the other side of the window pane.
Based on Cargo Sofia-X which was produced by HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin and Goethe-Institut Sofia in 2006, this event is specially created in Friesland with a young creative team from the region.
CARGO Shanghai-Friesland is produced by Brave New World Producties, working in partnership with Arcadia / LF2028.
Photos: MARC de Fotograaf
Concept: Stefan Kaegi
Direction and Script Friesland: Jörg Karrenbauer
Production Management: Juliane Männel, Jörg Karrenbauer
Dramaturgy: Janneke de Haan
Truck Drivers: Willem Overwijk and Louw Hacquebord
Singers: Lico Lee & Renjiao Cui
Farmers: Tjalling Rodenhuis, Klaas & Janet van Dijk
Assistent Director: Romke Gabe Draaijer
Sound Artist: Dennis van Tilburg
Video Artist: Jurjen Jellema
Show Technicians: Rob van der Meijden & Jelle van Abbema
Volunteers Coordinator & Show Operator: Evelyn Dalman
Marketing Manager: Marjan Moes
Brave New World Producties, Artistic Director: Claudia Woolgar
Brave New World Producties, Business Director: Jan van Erve
Brave New World Producties, Fundraiser: Gerrie Visser
Friesch Dagblad
'You really shouldn't miss this exclusive, romantic and at the same time realistic experience.'
Click here for the Theaterkrant review
'a hallucinatory experience, which once again shows how ingenuity and perfection go hand in hand with this renowned German-Swiss documentary theatre collective.'
CARGO Shanghai - Friesland is mede mogelijk gemaakt
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